Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More progress, but it's very slow

This entire week has been hitting one unknown after the other. The GUI framework I'm using gave me some issues but the problem was my lack of experience with it.

I've implemented very basic healthbars for the tower and the player. I'm not very fond of the look but they are functional, and with the series of roadblocks I've hit recently I'll settle for functional right now.

I need to go through and clean up the code I'm using to move the bars around over the actor's heads. I'm also not happy with the camera angle still. I think I need a more "ground to horizon angle than I'm getting.

Lot's left to do and tomorrow night is already planned so no coding. That means I'm 1/3rd way through my time limit but definitely not 1/3rd of the way through the work that needs to be done.

I'm going to keep it at and hope I hit a spot where I blow through the workload and exceed my current output. Friday and Sunday are going to have to be good.

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