Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 5 - Lots of tuning

The last two days i've been implementing very basic combat, and tuning the click to move concept. I've also implemented a very rough version of stats. You can attack a tower and kill it, and visa-versa.

Tomorrow I need to push a lot of the code in the player object down to the player controller object. The abstraction isn't very well defined but it appears to fit in better there.

Currently the player can attack from anywhere on the map because I have implemented a concept of attack range but I've stubbed in some basic functionality to accomplish that. I'll tackle that tomorrow after work.

I need to implement the functionality where if you click on a target that is out of range you will move into range and then begin to fire at it. That's where the leaky abstraction part comes in, it's part player class and part character controller. I'm going with the controller abstraction.

No new videos to show as it's pretty much the same as last except the tower now fires at you.

I'll post a new video tomorrow after I've gotten the movement sorted out.

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