Friday, June 21, 2013

Integrating Twilio with Google App Engine

I'm currently working on integrating Twilio with my website hosted on Google App Engine and I continue to run into documentation meant for Linux users. It's a double edged sword because Linux users always run into Windows documentation when they're working on consumer based software. Because this is a server app Google assumes I have a long gray beard and a stuffed penguin on my desk.

I just ported the stickiest part of the tutorial from Posix systems to Windows and wanted to share in the hopes that I will spare someone a few gray hairs.

Here's the link to the tutorial

Under the "setting up" section the first thing you'll want to do is drop the 'sudo' portion of the commands but everything else will work fine until you get to this part:

  • Link the Twilio library and its dependencies into your project:
  • $ ln -s venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twilio .
  • $ ln -s venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/httplib2 .
  • $ ln -s venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ .

Compared to the Unix ln the argument order is flipped on mklink. The ported version of the tutorial is:

mklink /D twilio venv\lib\site-packages\twilio
mklink /D httplib2 venv\lib\site-packages\httplib2
mklink venv\lib\site-packages\

note on the last link, which is to a file, not a directory, you omit the /D as file linkage is the default.

A few hours burned away at this, would have been great if they'd addressed it in the documentation.

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